Ah yes. Christmas Night. How can one day make such a difference? The words "Christmas Eve" are so magical- so full of portent ("and the sky is full of portent" - if you can tell me where THAT came from, I will RAK you. Seriously. Bill, you can't answer.) But change the second word, and the thrill is gone. The presents are unwrapped, the halls decked, the Roast Beast carved, and now we sit aching from gluttony- looking at the carnage of boxes and paper and toys, and even by the glow of the tree lights it is unsavory. It has turned into plain old Sunday night. Almost every Christmas night for as long as I can remember, I get this sudden longing for spring. Strange. My brother, as a child, once wrote a prescription for "The Post Christmas Let Downs." I wish I could remember what it was!!!! We did have a wonderful Christmas, but Sunday night is not the time for me to wax eloquent about my holiday, when the shadow of Monday is looming like the Ghost of Christmas Future.
But Guess What!!!!!! Bill totally surprised me and got me.... a PHOTO PRINTER!!!!! And Susie and Buzzy got me.....Photo Shop Elements 4.0!!!!!!! Hooray! I've been playing with it tonight, but couldn't get the photo to upload. I'll try again....Dude, it's not in me. I'll work on it tommono.
I hope everyone has a good recovery day Monday! Lots of sleeping and straightening! As for me, I will be trying to pick up the pieces of my patients that got thrown off kilter over the weekend, and hopefully do some good. And I will remember you Lord, even if it because I am low. What does it matter why we cry out, as long as we come to you? You are The Answer.
Yes indeed. However, with every high does come a low...otherwise we would be luke warm all the time. A good read helps recovery and I received another "josephine" from Missy along with a darling sweater (wine colored, yes!) a lauren night shirt and a beaded watch! Wow! It was quite fun here last night! Watching the boys play Trivial Pursuit with Bryan and hearing Luke say "everyone knows that!!!!" with much laughter and hilarity. You are such a blessing, family!
I loathe the post-Christmas letdown as well. (Although it was still really fun to look at all my goodies this morning!)
Every Sunday night, we all have that feeling of "Ugh. Tomorrow's Monday. Back to work." We call it the Sunday Night Blues. Wish there was a way to get rid of that! (Although, really, every day is a work-day for mommies, so it's a bit different for me. But I digress.) :)
Merry Christmas!
I know how you feel. Winter can be over now, thank you. The kiddos looked adorable in their Christmas clothes though.
I got some Photoshop too...man is that some seriously tough software. Ack.And I too hate post Christmas letdown. Blech.
You got Photoshop!!!!! Yea!!!!! Can not wait to see all the wonderful things you do. Let me know if you have any questions. I use Photoshop almost everyday.
Can we start a Photoshop support group? I've had it for a few months and still feel like I have a lot to learn.
ooooh, you got goodies ;)
post christmas let down...
i hear you...
I'm all for a photo shop support group! Whew! I just want to make myself look like a movie star! Isn't this supposed to do that?!?!?
Lu! You are an angel. My Photo Shop Angel. Adobe Angel. You can be called whatever you want (Adobe Diva Goddess Divine de La Photo Shop has a nice ring too!) if you will help a cybersister out! I would like to become proficient at this!
Oh Sarah, to have to work on MONDAY! What you need is a good dose of Southern Hemisphere and the week following Christmas OFF like everyone here has. I do NOTHING on Boxing Day but sit in bed all day and read. It's great. And then Tuesday I start to rouse. What? The world doesn't all do that too?? But, hey, what I wouldn't give for a bit of snow to go with the season.
Oh,and yes to the photoshop support group. I'm fairly deep into it because it's one of the programmes on my course, but my nephew (who I THOUGHT I showed how to use it) now does things to our photos which leave me dazzled. It's aint fair.
Photo shop? I'm so jealous! Gotta get this wedding behind me!!!
I can also identify with the post-Christmas let down- you do all that shopping, all that wrapping, and it's over in 15 minutes!
Emma did look absolutely yummy in her red velvet dress w/ white collar and cuffs tho- what beautiful children you have xxxooo
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