I have started to become more aware of the waste in my household. I am aware of this for several reasons, the main one being the need to spend less money.
I have made some small changes (maybe not so small) but there are others I'd like to make.
I have a recycling bin which goes to the curb full each week.
I would like to start using
I have been buying whole chicken and using if for multiple purposes (roasting for meat and boiling for chicken broth)
I am considering using
I have always loved shopping at thrift stores and garage sales, but now I am not looking for extras, but for necessaries. So far, with this purpose in mind, I have found a bread machine, weed eater, edger, and a pile of brand name clothes for Emma.
We had a flood in our son's room due to the ac leak. Thankfully my dad was able to help me fix it, and then, rather than hiring someone to come in and change the carpet, we pulled it out ourselves, dried it, and put it back in.
I bring re-useable bags to the grocery store. They carry so much more and really reduce the number of trips needed to bring your bags into the house. Of course there's that whole environment thing too.
Is there a part of me that is embarrased by all this? Yeah, a little. But the larger part of me is very proud of using resources wisely. These are things my grandparents did as a matter of course. They did not have the option to spend more and work less. It IS harder and takes more time, revealing the truth of "Time is Money." It can be super satisfying when I engage in the activities rather than resenting them. Being off work for the summer really helps. ;)
I would like to have a compost pile and keep chickens. Can you imagine fresh eggs? But there are all these stinking cats in the neighborhood.
One of my favorite cookbooks is one my mom used, and was given to me by friends for our wedding.
I use it all the time.
I love to make the french bread out of it, and the master baking mix is good too!
What are some ways you save money/the planet?