Saturday, December 03, 2005

December Kit from Good to the Last Crop

Here are my DT creations for Good to the Last Crop. This mini-kit is adorable! The large kit is really great too- red and green for the holidays! The kits are sold out, but there is extra paper and add ons that are fabulous!

This is an altered composition book:


and the 8x8 layout of my beautiful neices:

Hate it when the scan bleaches out the middle part!!!!

Unfortunately, This Week refused my resignation, because right after I wrote that letter, I went to check on Emma and she had thrown up all over her bed. Bill is now sick with me, and we are puny together. My darling, adorable, most wonderful mother in the world came over and not only took care of me, but cleaned my house. I am the luckiest girl in the world. Dad vaccuumed, and Jen brought over some mags and some flowers to cheer me up, also some killer chocolate from Trader Joe's (eyebrows going up and down in happiness!) I am so blessed to have such a wonderful fam! I was sick enough to lay around and let them do, which is HIGHLY abnormal for me. I did lay on the couch and say "Oh my goodness, thank you so much, I wish you wouldn't, no that's enough, ect, ect..." and then roll over and moan.

I'm done typing. I can do no more.


Anonymous said...

ohhh you are so talented. Loveall your creations.
Oh no not "the throw ups" as my daughter calls them. Sorry to hear that. Hope you are feeling better!


Goody said...

Who wouldn't clean a daughter's house when the praise given afterward is so outrageously spoken. Get better dear.

Goody said...

Oh, and speaking of pride and prejudice, it's on at the Parks. Get well fast! Gather all you girls and lets go. It is wonderful!

Virginia said...

Hope you feel better soon, sweetie! I hate being sick this time of year (ok, really- any time of year).

Love the dt stuff! You are good for getting everything done on top of having a sick family and being sick yourself!

Gina said...

I love these LO's. Boy I hope you feel better fast. What a lovely Mom and family.

Lu said...

Love, love, love the comp book and the Lo. I sure do hope you all start feeling better soon. Take care of yourself, girl.

e said...

oooh, you poor girl!
i hope you're feeling better....
LOVE your DT layout/book....

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the handcut title on that journal! Awesome! Your family is the sweetest - hope you feel better soon.

jayjay said...

Aw, poor Sawah, so sick. Of course, your beloved Mum was right there! Of course of course all that lovely family whipped around to help. . .as you would in reverse, I'm sure.
Get betta, y'hear. OR come down here and enjoy some summertime. It's wonderful.
Kiwi Jen

Jen said...

I love that paper. Just got some as a matter of fact.

I hope you feel better sweetie.

Kim said...

I love this book. You really do have beautiful neices.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

This is so great! Love the color combos!

Jocelyn said...

Everything you do is beautiful! I hope you feel better soon, girl.