1) How tired I am in the afternoons
2) How cold my clinic is. (but that's NOT a complaint!)
3) How hard it often is to contact parents.
4) How bad my clinic can smell
5) How much Spanish I have acquired
6) How short the evenings are when I want to go to bed at 8pm.
7) How Diet Cherry Coke can sustain one after lunch.
8) How often I confuse which key is for the outside door, and which key is for the clinic.
9) Signing Emma's binder every night
Things I'm anticipating as we move into fall
1) Brisk mornings
2) Cozy evenings
3) Dog sweaters
4) People sweaters
5) Bill finishing his book
6) Baking
7) Dance and Orchestra concerts
8) Pumpkins
9) Scented Candles
10) More creative time (I will have to carve this out)
11) Time with friends
12) Writing things besides lists