Emma: "Mama, are we gonna frost your cake now?"
Me: "Not until I've got dinner going."
Emma: "Are we gonna decorate it?"
Me: "No, Honey"
Emma: "Don't you think candles would be a nice touch?"
Me: "Yeah, they would! Oh. I don't think I have any."
Emma: "So... grown up birthdays are zero like kids birthdays."
Me: "Well, we still have cake."
Emma: nods
Grown up birthdays are good if you are the lucky mama of two adorable children who love celebrations. This morning I was surprised with a table strewn with leftover christmas candy, chairs adorned with ribbons that had been cut off recently opened packages, a homemade hoops and yoyo card, and gifts.
Oh, such gifts---
Two quarters and a Hank the Cowdog book from Bo, "You remember, I just couldn't get into it, and you always liked listening"
Two dollars and the book "The Christmas Snowman" in a beautiful box from Emkins.
They are so delightful. The picture is of a regular week night dinner that they decided to turn into "Happy Heroman Day."

And so it was.
Grown up birthdays are also good when you get to go to the concert that makes everyone (including yourself) realize what a dork you really are, and two weeks later you still get a little thrill thinking about it.
Grown up birthdays are good when you have friends at work who buy you lunch and bring you cake and make you cards using up their Basic Grey stickers. That's love.
Grown up birthdays are good when you are
Grown up birthdays are good when you have plans with your sister to shop and eat. Like I suppose there's anything better than that.
Grown up birthdays are good when you get
sushi for a present.