Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Texas Heromans!

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 05, 2008

Chef Bo-ar-dee

This son of mine.

This is what he did @ Goody and Grandad's after he came home sick from school today.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

"Life Spent Preparing"

The head of John the Baptist stretched high atop his shoulders.

With sweet and buggy breath, it bellowed out, across the Jordan, Prepare Him a way!

Make His paths straight!

The head of John the Baptist bent low when he baptized the Lamb.

The sight of his Lord and the sound of God’s voice put a thought in John’s head.

He must increase. I must decrease.

The head of John the Baptist pressed hard against the wall of his cell.

Disconnected from the body of his followers, a sense of doubt grew in his mind.

Was his cousin really the One?

The head of John the Baptist hung from a saddle, bouncing inside a wet sack.

Up the Jordan a hundred miles, from prison to palace – first time in Galilee.

Then it went to a girl on a platter.

The head of John the Baptist was an outrage all over Israel.

The people’s disfavor made their leaders slow to repeat that same crime.

For a time, Christ was safe in Judea!

John’s head, once again, had prepared the Lord’s way.

--Posted By Bill to Bible/History Blog at 12/01/2008 12:05:00 AM

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Breakfast for Dinner

The evenings shorten now, but that's ok, cause we just get to turn on the christmas lights that much earlier! Though we have a new house, we decided to stick with our old 2 ft "Charlie Brown" tree to remind us to be frugal this holiday season. It is packed full of ornaments, and the kids are just as thrilled as they can be! Tonight we have White Christmas on the tv, and I fixed Jill's recipe for dinner. (yes, you should. it's scrumptious.) I heart the holidays!