This one above is them trick or treating at Mom and Dad's house. Ah yes- the things that one will do for one's grandchildren that one will not do for one's children ;)
I do love that red door.
Bo was his usual chatty self at EVERY SINGLE HOUSE. At each house he told the same LONG story. "Trick or treat! Hey! You may think I'm a burgular, but I'm really a spy, I just look like a burgular, and this is my sister Emma-everybody says she is just adorable. She is a pink puppy princess, and this is my friend Aiden, he's a red ninja, and this is Colin, he's spiderman." He would usually tack on something about being a spy, or "nice jack-o-lantern. I bet that took a long time to carve. We carved one, and it took a long time, and we named him Strong Surprise, you know like Strong Bad or Strong Sad...it took a long time to carve, but I'll bet that took longer, you are really good at it!"
On, and on, and on that kid can talk! Whoo-eee. It's amazing we got to as many houses as we did!
Yes, our costumes were very handmade (felt crown pinned to Emma's Puppy {really bear} ears, and a "spy detector" made out of chipboard, black cardstock and silver paper. Bill's belt slung around his shoulder.)They couldn't have been happier if I had bought them the Costumes Extraordinaire. I could tell Bo thought he was every bit as awesome as Junie in Spy Kids, and Emma felt/acted like a princess. They invented what they wanted to be. I think that's cool. There were no other spys or pink puppy princesses out there, and for me originality wins a prize anyday!
So that's alot of yammering on about the kids.
HEY! I had a bottle of PUMPKIN ALE last night! That stuff totally rocks! Thanks for the tip, Klala!!!
homemade costumes are the BEST! sounds like a lot of fun. we here is aus are boring and nobody does anything for halloween. so i'm a bit jealous ;) i want an excuse to scab candy off people and pig out!
I was totally giggling over Bo's monologue. So cute!
I love homemade costumes... that's what we always did as kids and I wouldn't have it any other way! :) Great costumes!
They look great! Glad you had such a Happy Halloween :D
Cutie kids!!!!
Glad you guys had fun!!!
Ilove that the kids "invented what they wanted to be". I want to be a kid again! Love the pics!
CUTE! I know, having seen them in person! Hope they save me a lil snicker bar.
The costumes RAWK! Way to go Mama!
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