Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Now We Are Four

Happy Birthday to the sweetest girl in the whole wide world.


Kim said...

Happy Birthday my sweet Emma!!!
I love you!

Virginia said...

What a cutie. :) Happy Birthday!

sarah said...

I love that surprised look you captured on her face! Too sweet!!!

SuburbanMom said...

Happy Birthday! 4 is an awesome age.

Jocelyn said...

What a cutie! Happy birthday to her!!

Goody said...

My girl......talkin bout my girl! What fun to have the joy of celebrating with her. She had to hold her thumb inside her hand and show those 4 fingers to many people. Can't believe that our youngest grandchild is 4!!

Raina* said...

Ok ask her what her secret is. That is EXACTLY the flippy hairdo that I want!! lol

What a cutie, and how excited is she at all the 'Happy Birthdays' sent her way via your blog?


Anonymous said...

Ohhh our babies turning four! Heartbreaking is RIGHT!!!


e said...

cute, cute, cute...
Happy Birthday cute girl!

Jada's Gigi said...

HOw adorable she is and so grown up looking!Happy B'day Emma!

mikster said...

You have a cute lil girl there.

Gina said...

Happy Birthday Dear Emma. You're lovely at four.

Unknown said...

Awwwww! What a cutie! Happy Birthday :D

Colleen said...

so sweet! happy belated!

Paula said...

Very cute!!!