Annette West A Story

Annette West at 8:30am June 27
(1) Once upon a time there was a princess named E. She was as perfect a princess as any princess had ever been on earth. She had a wonderful mother that was also a princess, of course she had to obtain her royalty from somewhere (right?). Anyway…

Annette West at 8:31am June 27
(2) E’s mother decided to create a quilt, for many long hours her mother worked diligently on the quilt. E’s mother loved the idea that one day the quilt would be ready for what it was meant to do. It would be comforting at times and it would create warmth when the cold presented itself again in its due season.

Annette West at 8:31am June 27
(3) After much work, the quilt was finally ready to be presented. E wanted to give it a name, and so she did. She loved the quilt so much. It was more than just material sewn together, it was evidence of her mother’s love and had been given to her to hold onto for the rest of her life, if she so desired.

Annette West at 8:32am June 27
(4) The quilt was finished. It was time to rest and enjoy the creation. Every stitch counted and every piece of material was important to the purpose of the quilt. Now it could just be a quilt. It would serve, without trying. It would be warmth, without any effort at all. It would comfort a little princess throughout her life. The quilt didn’t even know its full potential. But make no mistake it was perfect, loved and glorified its creator, just by being a quilt.

Annette West at 8:34am June 27
The moral of the story…just as I am and more importantly just as you are…just be! (Oh, yeah - E and her mother are real people that I love very much. You know who you are E & E's mommy)