Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Sweet Faces

She's graduated. The sweet cheeked girl with the freckle on her nose and the middle fingers in her mouth graduated from high school.  

Zachary graduates Sunday. Oh he who, at age 5, wandered off in the National Museum of Art and was found explaining a painting to a security guard. 

 Finishing up school this year, and so glad to report that I'm going back next year. Happiness.

Thinking about summer. Torn between two extremes.

Planning it all out to the last minute 
not making a single stinking plan

Maybe there is a happy medium.

Here's a happy puppy: 
Hi Bailey!


Goody said...

I had forgotten all about that episode in the art museum. Funny little kid! Please blog about his little sayings to Dad and his different life characters!

Anonymous said...

I just adore this pic of Sarah and your description just brought back those sweet baby dayz. Can't recall the telling of the painting tho and that makes me sad. So glad I have you to remember things I can't.