Don't you miss photos?
I know I do!
I got my scanner working , but still am missing a cord for the printer...not that it will make it work, but maybe the good rest will have helped.
So I edited some photos with plans to post them, and every single time I hit the browse button on blogger or flickr, NOTHING HAPPENS.
I feel I have reached my quota for trouble shooting tonight, so I'm just putting my hope in the restart button.
Went to the park twice today. The weather (which was supposed to be jacked up from Ike) was just gorgeous. Blue sky, warm sun, cool breeze. So refreshing-so lifting. I am totally stoked that fall is on the move in my direction. I feel creative, introspective and energized when the weather cools down.
I also start to bake.
Lord have mercy.
i miss photos!!! how am i supposed to know how my future dil is holding up???
Baking! without us?? Who will eat all your hard work??
I know, I know! It feels so good. Hello Granola Ranch Cookies and Bon Giorno! Thank you Lord for the sweetness of the weather and it is all green!
Creative, introspective and energized? Sounds great. Me too! Mainly because it's Spring and things are finally warming UP. Similar weather at the moment for us both I think. Just had a coffee with Helen at the local cafe and had my bag of books for return to the library with me. We both agreed that only four of us would be enjoying the same 'fantasy' reading matter: My friend Meg in Christchurch, Helen, Sarah in Texas and me - all sitting at this table getting excited about the same books. Sigh. If only.
Was wondering if you guys were ok from the storm. glad to hear all is blue skies. Love the fall...baking comes to my mind too.
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