Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Cute Pose Fairy

For some time now, Bo has been infrequently visited by an imp we have named the "Cool Pose Fairy." He occaisionally wakes up and finds his action figures and lego guys have changed positions in the night. Here they have laid aside their weapons and have made peace over cereal.

We have been visited by yet another character, one aptly named the "Cute Pose Fairy." Because Emma says, "I don't like cool. I only like cute."

Emma informed me that she and Bo didn't think fairies were real. Except that they believed the Cool Pose Fairy and the Easter Bunny were real. But none of the others. Then she started to think about it, and I changed the subject.


Pound said...

omg. for reals, that is the cutest thing. i'm thinking we need some fairies here. like fairies that make hot wheels appear in little piles of crashes. you guys are the best.

jayjay said...

Yeah, we know whose children these two are. . . COOL POSE FAIRY?! CUTE pose Fairy! I mean, who'd think of those things unless they were children of Biouuuuu and Saawa

Lu said...

Hello Kitty in boots!!!! I am dying!!!

Jada's Gigi said...


Angie said...

So cute! LOL

Shelly Brewer said...

This is hysterical!

Goody said...

Fairies are visible only to those who believe. I do!
Cool and Cute!

jill said...

That is THE cutest thing I have ever seen. I mean, seriously.

Jamie said...

You're seriously the cutest mom ever.
I freaking love this. :)