Sunday, March 11, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

Cleaning up, organizing, working, eating right, exercising.

It's just crazy busy around here, and though I'm very content, I'm extremely tired when the day is over, or say around 2pm, when it feels like the day should be over.

One thing I've done is gone through my scrap stuff. I have a boat-load of stuff to give away. I think I'm going to do it in one huge box. Anyone interested? Just post and tell me if you are. I'm not going to make it a game. I don't have the intellect for that at the current moment.

However, if you would like to vote "yes" or "no" as to whether I should go get a manicure today, you can do that. Thanks.

Oh and my sister has a new blog. It's very interesting and helpful for those of us who are turning over a new leaf in the nutrition department.


Colleen said...

yes, get a manicure and yes, i'll take your boat load of stuff. i'll get you a lil surprise in b'ham to say thanks

Shelly Brewer said...

yes. you should get a manicure. and i have my own boatload of stuff. glad to see a new post! sorry you're so busy.

Tammy said...

A manicure is a definite yes! I'd love a box of goodies! Love your blog by the way :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you got the manicure....and yes, I'd love your boat load of stuff.

Jude said...

i just added you to my links sweet girl..
so i can stay up to date with you and your cool self.

suzantzavala said...

I always get a manicure when I can. Do it! I would really enjoy your boatload of stuff...

suzantzavala said...

I always get a manicure when I can. Do it!!! I would love your boatload of stuff.

jayjay said...

Hope you got that manicure, and when the boatload of stuff is gone, can you use the boat to come down and visit me. That'll be better than any old manicure. Believeee me.

Pound said...

i vote yes on the manicure. but only of they do it right. if they're anything like the nail places here, then i would pass. or have them do the mani, then paint it yourself later. i really hate it when they paint my nails and it looks like ethan did it. which is every time i get a manicure. which is why i only get one once a yr.

you'll feel good after you get rid of all the extra stuff you don't use anymore. i love throwing stuff away and packing it and seeing salvation army come get it and TAKE IT AWAY. but i also have problems.

Tammy said...

It's almost should go for the manicure! And of course I'd love a box of goodies if you're willing to share ;-)

caroline said...

yes, get one :)

Bethany E. said...

Yes, I love manicures :)

Jamie Ko said...

ooh scrap stuff would be fun, but like others, I've got a crapload of stuff already. more than I can really remember. but cleaning up is good, so you go girl!

i say YEEESSSSSSS to the manicure. pedicure is good too, but you gotta make sure you get extra massage. i love them after working a ton of 12 hour shifts back to back. feels soooooo good.

Beckalicious said...

YES, most definitely get a manicure... 5 days ago (because that's when you posted this).