Mom and Alison and Jenny took me out on Saturday night to celebrate my birthday early, since Mom is going out of town. We went for Mexican, and then "had to be somewhere at 8."
Where was that somewhere?

Just missing Missy.
So on to the scrapping:
These are for Dares Number 54 and 55 respectively. My inspiration for this one was here For Linda's Dare:
This is the final entry to Anja's CJ. It's being sent off tommorrow.
On a final note: I've been wanting to post this since Christmas. It is what Bill got for me. I wanted it so bad. I can't believe he found it and gave it to me. I love him so much. And I also love the necklace. :)

You're BACK.
And I love that necklacke.
Like tons.
sounds like an awesome weekend!
loooove the scraps!
that hall loos cool. love the dares. that site is cool. and that necklace- lovely. and i can read it too- awwww. how sweet. of him i mean lol.
Awesome birthday gift! Mus Ella is the bomb! (is it still cool to say that? :)) love the necklace too!
happy early birthday sarah
looks like you had a lovely time
Yay! I love my CJ - I can't wait to get it!
What a great weekend you lucky duck!
It was a fun time dearie! I am just glad that you enjoyed it! Love the scraps! Thank you Lord, for Sarah! The pix are great, and hilarious!
What can I say! Delicious in every aspect - scrapping, birthday, Ella, photos. Happy Birthday Chook.
oh yummy
and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!
Hi :)
I found your blog and thought I'd say hi !
Don't ya love being the birthday girl???!!!...I've been known to milk that...I mean...celebrate...for up to a month before....Happy Birthday!
hi girl!!
LOVE this necklace... wow. it's amazing and so unique.
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