A Chagall exibit in North Dallas with Sisters and Mother.

And if THAT wasn't enough. A fortuitious stop at a very shwah-shwah shopping center.
And WHAT should my poor eyes behold but THIS.

As the sopranos started singing in my head, I reluctantly followed the others (who have had the good fortune to have been in an Urban Outfitters before) to Rockfish for some killer snacks.
and then on to the place.
where I almost started to cry a little.
think of her ALOT.
wished I were rich.
thanked my stars that I had brought some of my "saving money" with me.
and bought this.
Skip-to-my-lou'd right out of there.

and also, I've been scrapping again. I'm currently taking a break from making my layout for this in order to blog. But blogspot obviously thinks I've hit my limit on photos tonight. Perhaps later....
it's been a very good weekend.
Aw, I get to be FIRST in the comments section for once. That's what comes of living in the Southern Hemisphere, hee hee. It interested me greatly Sarah that you had a gallery shot on this blog when mine is gallery as well. It must be in the air. Love the top, can imagine it on you. SO glad you had such a neat time and took me along for the ride via blog.
I LOVE that top! Cute!
Love Urban Outfitters and art exhibits - so glad you had a lovely day!
you crack me up
tee hee
your weekend sounds DIVINE. :)
I love that shirt you bought. So so cute.
i think of you too
you know
funny how that is
when we really don't know each other
or maybe we do
know each other better than others know us
i don't know
thanks for the love and support always sarah!!
(i can't believe i didn't read this earlier)
Hello, Sarah. I found this entry via Google because I was searching on an interesting phrase my grandmother used to use.
"Great day in the afternoon!" I think she used it in frustration, but you don't seem to be doing that.
I'm just very curious where you're from (region-wise; I'm from rural Alabama, myself) and if you know where the phrase came from. :)
You're one of the only hits on Google, by the way, for that phrase as a whole. :)
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