They are good.
They smell good.
They are good for reading.
They look good on shelves.
Books are good goodness.
Here are some books I like right now.

I finished this whole series. Now I miss it.
I got this one for my birthday- by Em and Steph, and it is so inspiring!!!!!

So I'm married to a comic book fan. It's all good. Call us what you will, but this book is amazing. It will forever change the way you see not only comics, but art of any kind, and I sincerely think it is a must read for scrapbookers- in a sense scrapbooking is a form of sequential art. It is absolutely brilliant. Bogglingly so.

And finally, one of Bill's more consuming projects....
Seriously, this is worth looking at.
So to end with a question that's been presented to me this week.
"What do you want for Valentine's Day?"
Any help?
What do I want for V day?
And think BUDGET.
19 comments: want a small gift certificate to the craft store. No more than $10. Cause it is not about the money.
Have him make you dinner and get a movie.
how about a nice romantic dinner at home with no kids?
all i want for valentines is a DATE! ha!
A big, happy ficus tree. :)
That's what you want.
Or two.
An Oreo McFlurry(substitute Starbucks latte or whatever turns you on) and a ride in the country or along the river with the moon roof open, fav CD playin and the heat blasting if necessary....haha
Cheap date, very romantic...:)...especailly if you stop on the ride and...we'll you fill in the blanks
Ok, I am TOTALLY DIGGING the GUSB. That rocks.
I concur- books are awesome. :) I love having piles of them around my house... they are comforting to me.
Ok, my first thought is (for V-day) that you need some flowers. Like, Heidi Swapp flowers, prima flowers.... nothing says Valentines like a dozen beautiful flowers. ;)
Oh how I love that you smell books!!! Everyone thinks Im I feel better knowing Im not the only one! Book lovers RULE!!
VDay gift? A HUGE bookstore giftcard and a full free DAY to shop for HOURS!!
you're such a fab little chickie!! ;-)
Wasn't allowed to put comment on Bill's blogsite, Sarah. Could you pass this on:
WHooooeeeeee, this is QUITE the project, Bill. I am SO impressed!! Good on you! I enjoyed just flicking into the dates and years and seeing how it all came together. THANK you for doing this, and I shall look forward to the gradual progression.
Jen don't-ask-about-Priscillian Jeffries
maybe more books ;)
books are good.
Oh, I wish I had another great biographical novel! Very cute blog my dear!
I opened a new book with Jolie last night
first thing we did - smelled it
books smell good, especially when they are new :)
you want to curl up with a good movie, your favorite snacks and your favorite hub and relax...
dinner out?
date night?
Thanks for the Blog-love, y'all!
I got the site re-tooled last night, and added two new posts. It should be easier to navigate now and to find the comments page.
So genuinely honored I made my wife's top four of the week! :)
I lurrve my cardart book! So refreshingly different!...and a few of the cards were for me! I too am a book smeller, lover and absorber! So nice to meet a kindred spirit!
A nice dinner out? Some scrap supplies? Massage?
how i miss reading books since i've become so involved with scrapping!
this is making me think i need to go get me a good back!
Okay... if I've been paying attention, then my shopping possibilities include:
craft certificate, groceries & cooking ingredients, new DVD, a large shrubbery (no herring), crumby whipped ice cream, picnic-basket-in-the-trunk with very-little-gas-in-the-tank, pretty vegetation, "stemware", (dictionary), giftcard, munchies & gaga, Michael's isle 12, babysitting, body oil, and maybe somebody else to rub it on her... wait, scratch that last one!
Okay, y'all are giving me lots of options... THHAAAAAANKS! :)
No pressure now, right? (Especially since I know she's gonna blog whatever I come up with now!) Tick, tick, tick...
Oh yeah, and books, books, books, books, books, books, books, Ahhh (Sniff)... and books.
(I wish I could smell.)
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