I wandered through the clearance section (shelf) to dig (literally) through the items. Found a delicious assortment of wax crayons in off colors and remembered seeing some really cool things on her blog and I remembered she mentioned "crayons" of some sort, so these, being on clearance, are OF COURSE the sort! Hooray! I pick up a nice grey white, a deep pink, and a limey green, and carry them bouyantly to the counter.
Now the aformentioned sales artist who is checking out, not one, not two, but THREE people at the same time, says in his groovy kind of voice, "Oh man, these are really fun." " Yeah..." I say, hoping that I will have the opportunity here to NOT look like the complete haus frau that I am in my stained (with coffee not paint) pink hoodie, ponytail, complete lack of unusual piercings and tatoos, and little girl with pink bow in tow, "I've seen these used on some really cool things."
says the clerk.
"like SKIN."

I react. (see above)
I then try to play it cool, and look at Emma, as if this was all HER idea.
But inside I'm going

So what lesson did we learn here today kids? Face painting isn't just for children anymore. It takes a real arteest to come up with such a clever use for these puppies. And lesson two? There is nothing you can do that is so idiotic that it is not worth blogging about!!!
I'm up waaay earlier than I need to be b/c my darling daughter has a stuffy nose and decided to wake me up. I can't go back to sleep after taking care of her, so I think, "I'll just check the blogs...."
TOTALLY CRACKING ME UP, when my eyes should be sleepy-sleepy. Lovin' your pics! That's awesome!
oh my goodness... you are KILLING me... sarah... your comedic talents are WASTED... WASTED!
Aren't those Azel guys a trip? They always make you feel as though you are, perhaps, not quite wacky enough to enter their sacred domain. I wonder if there's a password, or secret handshake...
Hey, Sarah, look!!! I left a comment.
Very funny! BTW...Valentines day is coming up...I can think of a very creative(translate sexy) way to make good use of those...:) hmmm...how do I know these things?? :)
Could somebody cover my eyes!!??
you crack me up. i freakin love you sista girl
shesh, you could have warned us!
I about spit coffee all over my computer screen!
You totally cracked me up!!!
So that is where you were. I thought I saw traces of something bluish on your face but I thought you were just kindof low down. How funny!!
omg sarah!!!!
you are too funny girl,
love that you took these pics!
sarah. you are way too funny for your own good. making me laugh!
LOL ... too funny Sarah.
Alison's right. Face paint is so hot. You should go back to the store with your paint on. Tell the clerk you're a performance artist. That's how much he knows.
HAHAHAHA! i love it!
You are funny. :)
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