Friday, May 09, 2008

Three Years Ago Today

I wrote this.

And I, finding it, am astounded by the grace of God. By seasons of Him. By the grace of being able to remember.

I've been looking for faith. Looking for hope, and finding nothing. Seriously, HOW many times do I have to go through this in my life before I no longer search in futility and just go straight to Him? Maybe it's because half the time I don't recognize that I'm looking for something to satisfy me.

He is faith.

He is hope.

He satisfies my hunger and thirst.

He is all.

Let all those other chips fall where they may.


Jada's Gigi said...

thank you for this...

Bill Heroman said...

Amen. :)

He is enough.

Deborah Fantasia said...


jayjay said...

That is so heartrendingly true, dear sister.

Goody said...

O yes! He is our true life. Our self within. How I love to hear his life spoken by you in him in her in the father.

sahmqueen said...

We live in the DFW Area (I can email you more specifics). My kids are 7, 4, and 21 months. All boys. I stay home with them, and have since the first was born. We go to the most awesome church ever...Gateway Church in Southlake, TX. Are you excited to be back? How long have you been gone?