To blog or not to blog? That is the question.
I'm disappointed today that I didn't make it on to round three of Last Scrapper Standing. Just bummed. And it stinks that I'm bummed. I loved my layout. So that's good, right? I have a layout I love? Yes. And I am rooting for all my girls that are moving on, with special love to the apea.
It's nice that it's Friday.
Had a lovely dinner over at Mom and Dads. Just scrumptious- feeding the body and the spirit.
The good news is that I have a scrapbook class just about booked, and it will hopefully turn into a monthly gig. I have been wanting to do this for a long time, and I hope that it is fun!!
Did a new picture of myself today: Big difference between summer and winter (see profile photo)

Bought some clay for Emma at Hobby Lobby. She made many rainbow snakes and a rainbow salad. I loved watching her hands become more and more covered in the colors.

So that's it. Have a good weekend!!!
Hey if it's any consolation...at least you made it to round 2...I couldn't even get past round 1 and I thought my layout rocked!! Love your layout anyway!
there's no justice woman... That layout freakin' rawks! Yes I did say freakin'!
and you are just about as awesome as awesome can be. And Michelle's opinion is the only one that counts right?
chin up sweetie cakes. You are fabulous and just with that pic and how tall you are, it's reason enough to not like you. Thank goodness michelle is such a big person that I can live with your fabulousity!
By the way, looking hot in that photo, so in honor of your new pic, I have to say,
"how yo doin'?"
((wink and the gun))
Where have you been Miss Sarah?? Sorry about LSS, I'm not playing.....just too much going on when it got started. Hope all is well with you. Great pic of you BTW!
I love that layout. It's so bright and funky. Congrats on making it as far as you did!
your layout is GORGEOUS
seriously girl.
and that picture of you is so beautiful too. <3
Firstly, I did not move on either. I was not 100% happy with my page. Secondly, I love your page. Thirdly, I love your new picture. And, fourthly, congrats on the class, Sarah. I am so happy for you.
Paragon indeed! Love the new pic of you and the BA layout. Want to go but Hawaii is also a nice place to take photos and scrap. We could take the torch there!
Where is the class? Is it open to the public?
Scrapbook class! good for you! sounds like fun,
you didn't make it???
oh the agony
much luv babes
your layout is incredible!!!!!!
Love your summer look. YOU ARE HOT! I miss our gmail chats...come back girl!!! :)
you are looking pretty and fresh
and excuse me
but what is wrong with those dare girls
this is such a good fargin layout
and love the little hands
Did Amber just use the word fargin? That's my new favorite!
I can't believe you didn't move on sister! That LO is the coolest. It's so artsy and eye-catching. I love it.
Congrats on being user inspiration in the garden - how cool is that?!
Also, your new picture is gorgeous!
If "Earth's Crammed With Heaven" where does that leave those silly people killing one another and often even themselves? They are shouting about equality and human rights, that their creator is more powerful than the other person's creator and so on and so forth... That freakin' George Bush actually wants to amend the Geneva Convention so that he can bully and interrogate people more easily. I ask you. I say, if the Muslim man, held for interrogation, doesn't like to be spoken to by a woman and considers it demeaning, or whatever, then I suggest he considers why the rest of the world calls him a SHIETHEAD. I don't like arrogant arseholes who think with their dicks. If he didn't, he would know that there is very, very little difference, between men and woman. Camel Woman, RSA 1995
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