Two words. Free Style.
In the name of all that is cool, get it now.
I have strong feelings about this book.
AND it's got Em, Geniveve, and Ashley Calder in it. You girls- it's AWESOME.
AND Ashley Wren AND Kelli Crowe.
Once again, WOAH.
I designed the mini kit for good to the last crop this month, and it is rather appealing, if I do say so myself. It's 7 Gypsies, cause we all know how I feel about the bohemians. The large kit is BG Hang 10, and it is packed with goodness. You really should check it out, and then you should order it.
I just have to send more love toward Emily Falconbridge. I appreciate her for so many things, not the least of which is a pathway to Bec, who's every comment is a delight, and who's art is very soulish and cool. BTW, Bec, that last comment about the Chili's cups? I felt that was a launch into the recognition of sisterhood. Yup. You and me. Same page.
Michelle is KILLING me. She absolutely cracks me up.
Here's a thought. I have a conundrum about "friendships" and blogging and message boards. I have several people who I now absolutely consider my friends, and I have never met them or even spoken to them. There are others who I think it might be stretching a bit to say they are "friends" but I have very friend-ish feelings towards them, stronger feelings than saying "aquaintances." Any thoughts about this? Who do you consider your friends? How do you determine it? And don't forget to check out the kits!!!
Yes, Amber Skolnick, you are an influence.

ok that page is AWESOME.
and I consider you a friend ;)
I DEFINITELY need Free Style!
friends and friend-ish feelings are the best! which reminds me, i still am working on your layout. you're too fast.
your page is freakin' slammin' Sarah! And I have got to get that book. It should be coming my way real soon.
I know! Isn't this whole blog thang a big spinner??? So weird to feel SO connected to people that you have never laid eyes on! completely "get" someone elses sense of humour...I know what you mean!...I think this whole blog friends thang is SO cool! To be able to giggle, laugh, give, receive, inspire or be inspired in such a variety of ways with fellow women all over the world is really empowering and fulfilling!...ok...soapbox away now...
I'M still whoa'd by freestyle...
doesn't it flipping rock???
i know i'm a tad biased, but still.
i'm amazed by it, and i saw sneaks!
yep...internet land is a lil bit...
sometimes it feels hard to tell.
other times i'm positively sure.
use you gut. and your heart.
time will tell.
LOVE your choice with the 7G.
like whoa.mmmmm.
oh. and that page?
uhm YEAH
pure and simple.
love it.
wrote a book. hee!
happy sunday!!
i got my freestyle and i love it. LOVE IT! want to be buried with it. you are going to be in heaven when it comes in.
sarah you are such a darling! i am so glad the blogging world made us friends. and that you got to meet my beautiful bec-star too! we really must all get together someday - it would be a hoot!
happy you love freestyle too! yea!
I LOVE the Bohemians! Especially the ones in the early 1400's, near Prague, who were persecuted for leaving the Catholic church, who followed the teachings of Yan Hus (John Huss), who taught them that they didn't need clergy and services, because Jesus Christ was living in each one of them, and so therefore He could minister to all of them through all of them... do you mean THOSE Bohemians? ;)
Howabout doing a scrapbook page about THEM? :)
Oh, and those Bohemians would have been my friends!
Isn't the internet funny? I feel like we're friends and if we ever met it would be a blast. But at least I get to do a circle journal with you in the meantime.
I got Freestyle this week too - it's fantastic!
OK, I have to go to WORK now. Wah!
cute page!!
i JUST ordered free style! so excited!!
i TOTALLY get what you mean about the online friends thing!
and i LOVE that page
and i still need freestyle....michelle gave me a peek of her copy.....and i soooo need my
awww!! Sarah!!
sometimes i wonder about that too
the internet and 2peas and friends
and i feel connected to a group of girls
that i don't even really know
or maybe i do really know them
and i'm gonna do a blog soon
so you can know more about me
i promise, i even have a title
Love that page!!!!
And Free Style....the best book EVER!
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