Sunday, October 02, 2005

Lots to Tell

First: Bo scored his first goal at his soccer game yesterday! This is so huge! He has been playing for three years, and he not only scored, but they won the game! Hooray! I'm so proud of him for keeping his head in the game! I did the effer dare #10 with it here. So very happy for him.

Second: Deep breath. OK. I GOT A CALL TO BE A MEMBER OF A DESIGN TEAM!!!!!!!!!!
I opened the email and read it through- went screaming into Bill, and then started bawling my eyes out. I couldn't believe it. So I responded after thinking it over for a day. Uh, YES. Hello!
I still can barely believe it. I love my hobby so much, and my goal was always just to "support my habit" so to speak. Now they are gonna send me products and I'll get to design layouts! Hoo-flipping-ray!!!!!! Then I was double excited to find out that Alexis was also on the team. She is so talented! I love her stuff, and feel totally honored to be in cahoots with her.

The web site is so definitely check it out!

There was other fabulous news, that you will get to see peeks of later on!!!!!
SO excited.
What a great week.

Pure greatness.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sarah.. seeing your ARTwork, you DESERVE the opportunity! Looking forward to seeing more of your work-slm

Virginia said...

OH MY GOOOOOOSH! I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED FOR YOU! :) That is CRAZY AWESOME news! (Sorry for all the caps, but yes, I am yelling!) ;)

I am trying to catch up from my visit to Grams, and will reply to your emails hopefully tomorrow... but I couldn't wait another second to congratulate you- you totally deserve this chica! :)

Unknown said...

What FABULOUS news!!!! Congratulations!!!! :D

Anonymous said...

very cool! congrats!
and congrats to bo for the first soccer goal! woo-hoos all around!

Anonymous said...

YEA! thats oh so fab darling! big cheers for you from me - i'm very excited and can't wait to see more of that you do!

Colleen said...

wow!!!! congrats girl!!! that is so freakin cool. you rock

Jen said...

Congratulations!!! That is so're gonna have so much fun!!!

And congrats on soccer goals and game fun!

Gina said...

Absolutely fantastic Sarah!! Congratulations. Although, I can't say I'm the teensiest bit surprised. Your work is incredibly unique and inspiring. Wonderful, wonderful. YEAH!!

Tammy said...

Congrat on being part of a design team...what a dream come true!