Thursday, December 04, 2008

"Life Spent Preparing"

The head of John the Baptist stretched high atop his shoulders.

With sweet and buggy breath, it bellowed out, across the Jordan, Prepare Him a way!

Make His paths straight!

The head of John the Baptist bent low when he baptized the Lamb.

The sight of his Lord and the sound of God’s voice put a thought in John’s head.

He must increase. I must decrease.

The head of John the Baptist pressed hard against the wall of his cell.

Disconnected from the body of his followers, a sense of doubt grew in his mind.

Was his cousin really the One?

The head of John the Baptist hung from a saddle, bouncing inside a wet sack.

Up the Jordan a hundred miles, from prison to palace – first time in Galilee.

Then it went to a girl on a platter.

The head of John the Baptist was an outrage all over Israel.

The people’s disfavor made their leaders slow to repeat that same crime.

For a time, Christ was safe in Judea!

John’s head, once again, had prepared the Lord’s way.

--Posted By Bill to Bible/History Blog at 12/01/2008 12:05:00 AM

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