This picture just happened across the screen saver earlier today, and it stirred in me the old hidden happiness of being with Lori. I had the priviledge of growing up with a friend I could absolutely depend upon to make me laugh until my belly ached. All the time. The kind of laughing that makes people give you that superior, sympathetic bless your heart look, but you hardly notice them because of the tears streaming out of your eyes. Our mothers gave us that look, but they had no right to it, because they are also guilty of ridiculous unmerited foolery. Apparently it's in the genes, because here are our daughters acting the same.
Insert cleverly worded, melancholic yet sweet, apt and pithy sentence here that matches the combined pain and joy I feel regarding this.
i totally know.
Oh Grommit!!!
A laugh, then a sigh. Those were the days my dear.
I had to laugh----you know that laugh. I miss all of us, together
I was thinking about you and looked up your blog. And what do I see? A picture of our girls! And a reminder of the laughter we once had. I hope you are well, my old friend. I read up on your archives and find myself inspired. Inspired to live life, inspired to let go, inpired to forgive myself, inpired to love others more, inspired to laugh again. You are an amamzing woman, Sarah. How can I have you in my life again...if only a small piece of you?
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