It's a nice rainy weekend. I'm going to scrap for a while. I joined a gym this morning. I have good reasons for not wanting to be overweight any more, and not being in denial about it. I AM overweight. My huffing and puffing on the eliptical machine just verified the fact. I have a beach to go to this summer. I am sick of el flabo. I am entirely too sedentary.
Having said that, I will roll my chair around and proceed to sit very still at my desk and scrap until it's time to get up and fix dinner.
Happy Rainy Weekend!!!
"Engaging" indeed! Hey, lets start walking at night after supper! Together it will go fast.
I'm with you on the get-ready-for-the-beach workout challenge.
What a beautiful couple, just like a Prince with His Princess!!! I am so glad that you took the time to take these wonderful shots and then shared them with us.
Thank you Sarah.
Those are gorgeous photos!
LOL at the "sitting very still at your desk" comment. I can't wait until I can walk around without huffing and puffing!
You make me laugh. Wiggle your toes while you scrap. Something is better than nothing. The photos are beautiful!
How exciting! Those are some great pictures. Did you take them, Sarah?
The rain is great. I'm sure you're getting quite a bit in Arlington -- it seems to get the worst weather in te metroplex.
I know what you mean about el flabbo. *laughs* I'm currently on the South Beach diet (and loving it). Have lost 35 pounds so far and feeling great.
ok...I CANNOT believe that you are old enough to have a daughter old enough to get engaged?!! Am I reading it right?...Is Nicole your daughter?
hee hee!
No Bec, she's our "college daughter." She's lived with us off and on since she was in high school. She's ours, but not biologically!!!
and Carey, yes I did take the pictures. Thanks!
and for the record, I am going to work out tonight!!!
Congrats to Nicole and Aaron and to Kim! Great pics!
hehehe...you crack me up! great pictures, love is just so exciting. i need to get fit and get rid of the flab too. lets help each other!!
I LOVE rainy weekends. Enjoy it my friend.
Great pics...engagements are SO fun!!!!
I am overweight too.....I feel your pain. And good for you for doing something about it.
hee hee!
hope you got some fun stuff done.
and ditto on that whole gym crap...sigh...
I'm so glad they found each other!!! I love you Nicole! I love you Aaron! Thanks Lord!!!
And thanks Sarah! Love you too!
beautiful pictures, sarah.
they capture the soul and the love, ya know?
Love those pics! I am with ya! I go to the LAKE every summer and I am SICK of trying to hide under a towel...YIKES!
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